My Deen Companion



All translations of the Quran are taken from the Noble Quran by Dr. Muhsin Khan. Tafsir has been taken form Tafsir Ibn Kathir and Tafsir of Ibn Sa’adi. 

All Literature on the website and the E-books has been sourced from authentic websites of scholars and students of Knowledge. If you have any concerns about any part of the content in the book, you can reach the author at

No Islamic Literature has been written by the author of the website, except for extractions. 

COPYRIGHTS: All illustrations, images, activities and worksheets are produced solely by the author in line with the pedagogical principles and instructional design approach to facilitate an engaging experience for the learners. This content is not for reproduction in any form without the consent of the author and without giving due credit. This book is under copyrights and no resale, reuse or sharing is allowed either for commercial or non commeercial purpose.